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Monthly Archives: Studeni 2018

The Vatican Mafia – 02, Chapter 25 – THE VATICAN USA DE NINOLO BELLO

Source: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/vatican_mafia02.htm


Among other books which I recommend you read are Nino Lo Bello’s “The Empire” and ‘The Vatican USA.” Nino Lo Bello was a journalist living in Rome who served as a correspondent for business week and McGraw -Hill World News, for the journal of commerce, and New York Herald Tribune. His writings have been translated internationally and from them I excerpt the following words of RV. P. Richard Ginnder, National Columnist:

“The Catholic Church must be the biggest Corporation in the United States. We have a branch office in every neighborhood. Our asset and real estate holdings must exceed those of standard oil, A. T& T and U.S. steel combined.”

In other words, the riches of the Catholic Mafia are superior to and double those of the most powerful businesses of the USA. Through 12 chapters, the author analyzes the dioceses and states of the USA and narrates the properties of their convents and parishes, their bank accounts, businesses and participation in the dividends which she receives, with the names of multinational businesses, bishops, and clergymen.

He opens one of the most brilliantly written pages of the biggest Capitalist country in the world, two thirds of whose treasures and gold reserves pertain to the Vatican. Do you see why Catholicism dominates in the USA? Nino Lo Bello closes by affirming that the Catholic Church’s stocks in the USA are estimated to be 800.000 Trillions; without even counting the Vatican’s investments in insurance companies; without counting her businesses which appear disguised in the names of other very Catholic people, generally, which receive part of their benefits; The Vatican Mafia and not even counting the welfare organizations and radio and television stations, the majority of which are in the hands of Vatican money.

Die dreisten Lügen der Kirchen über ihre Rolle im 3. Reich

Published on May 5, 2013

Das anarchosyndikalistische Nachrichtenportal http://www.anarchosyndikalismus.de.vu
Source: Youtube


Source: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/vatican_mafia02.htm


The Vaticanologist writer and ex-Jesuit Malachi Martin, in his 14 books on the Vatican, documents the reality of the corruption of the Catholic Church; and he is a witness from inside the Vatican, where he exercised his functions as a historian and Jesuit, and formed part of the elite Jesuits which dominate the Vatican’s offices, and was a member of the Vatican Mafia. Thus he describes it in his 14 books. I invite the elector to his books. You’ll be amazed.

For the Catholic and study of Christian and Catholic history, ex-Jesuit Malachi’s books are indispensable for coming to know the truth about what the Vatican and her Catholic Churches really are. His documents and investigations have opened my eyes and conscience, as well as many other lector’s who have been deceived with only Catholic history, and who ignored reality. His documentations are a gold mine of truth which the Vatican wishes to hide and silence.

In his 655 page book “Vatican,” which comes in a literary for, the ex-Jesuit Malachi opens over eyes and conscience to the truth of the Vatican, and shows how he was a personal witness in the Vatican of all he describes; though at time, to avoid endangering the personages which are still alive, he changes the names and refuses to jeopardize them.




Source: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/vatican_mafia02.htm

Avro Manhattan: “The Vatican in world politics.”

Through 20 chapters and 400 pages, you can analyze the reality of what the National Catholicism of the Vatican or the Catholic Church is. It is anything but a center of Christianity. Her power, totalitarianism and politics in the New World after the world wars, her participation in the Spanish Civil war with Italian and German fascists, her powers in the United States, Latin America, and Europe, her plans for material and spiritual dominion etc . . . Avro lectures have been a surprise to me, and it is this best seller author who has taught me.

Avro’s “The Vatican’s Holocaust” describes the inquisition which Catholicism still practices, her political powers and how she is the fulfillment of the Apocalyptic prophecies, which confirm her as the Harlot and mother of all abominations (Rev. 17 -18). He encourages Christians to study the diabolical role which the Vatican is playing in modern times; how she has changed Christianity after the second Vatican Council, and how the Catholic Church participated in the Croatian Holocaust and in the ethnic cleansing wars in Yugoslavia.

As an expert Vaticanist, he documents his affirmations with apodictic witnesses and facts about the Vatican’s diabolical plan in Croatia, Yugoslavia, with the names of Catholic bishops and priests who worked as exterminators in the Concentration Campus. These books are included in the INDEX. The Vatican is not interested in the truth. Thus she proceeds when she is exposed.

Avro proves how the Vatican and United States’ Catholics defend the fascist criminals and their alliances with the International Mafia; and how the Vatican has been the stronghold of drug trafficking etc , . . and how she is responsible for the massacres between fanatical racist serbs, croatians, Mecedonians, Albananians, kosovians which are horrifying us in these moments in which I write as they exterminate each other and millions are cast out of the country.

In “The Vatican Billions,” Avro describes how the popes have robbed whole nations, their various stocks, both material and spiritual, and how they have converted (the) National Catholicism or the Vatican State, though it is the smallest in territory, into the greatest economical and political power in the world. He mentions her pacts with Russia, her multinational businesses, her banks and enterprises, with names and places, and her pacts and agreements with the capitalism of the USA, her plans for universal power and programs to exterminate all her opponents and the separated churches.

Profesor na Politologiji kršćanstvom opravdao zatiranje civilizacija Amerike

Izvor: https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/profesor-na-politologiji-krscanstvom-opravdao-zatiranje-civilizacija-amerike/2030667.aspx

Foto: Wikipedia/Twitter, Tomislav Miletić/Pixsell

DR. SC. BORIS HAVEL, docent na Fakultetu političkih znanosti u Zagrebu, nedavno je na Twitteru objavio jedan vrlo dvojben status s kojim se nisu složili mnogi njegovi pratitelji na toj društvenoj mreži.

U njemu se kontroverzi može naći na pretek, no ovdje ćemo pokušati pokriti neke od očitijih. Poruka Tweeta zanimljiva je iz dva ključna razloga:

1) zato što dolazi od profesora koji predaje predmete koji imaju povijesni i religijski karakter – Oriental Jews and Arabs in the time of Zionism i Religion and Politics in the Middle East;

2) jer predstavlja ogledni primjer konzervativnog diskursa koji posljednjih godina jača, kako u Hrvatskoj, tako i u svijetu.

Sud odlučio: Italija mora tražiti vraćanje poreznog duga od Vatikana

Izvor: https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/sud-odlucio-italija-mora-traziti-vracanje-poreznog-duga-od-vatikana/2040639.aspx

Foto: EPA

ITALIJA mora tražiti od Vatikana plaćanje poreznog duga koji je nastao tijekom više godina nepropisnim proširenjem poreznih olakšica na komercijalne nekretnine, presudio je Sud pravde Europske unije.

Godine 2012. Europska komisija utvrdila je da porezna olakšica za nekretnine Vatikana u Italiji nije u skladu s propisima, ali nije naložila Rimu da od Vatikana traži povrat nepropisne državne pomoći.